Friday, January 29, 2010

Clonazepam Dose For Dogs If You Reduce Your Dose Of Clonazepam From 3mg. To 1mg. Will The Body Eventually Get Used To Being On 1mg? I?

If you reduce your dose of clonazepam from 3mg. to 1mg. will the body eventually get used to being on 1mg? I? - clonazepam dose for dogs

this is done and I am with withdrawal symptoms bad enough that so far lasted more than 3 weeks. Am I obligated to have the medication in the long run will no withdrawal symptoms, or that my body is able to stand mg in 1st? I spoke with my doctor and he is very confused, please do not ask me to talk to my doctor.

1 comment:

  1. Clonazepam is rarely in the medical field before, that no specific ways of life - that means it is impossible to predict how long it will maintain its effect after changing the dose.

    Although the median time to reach after a dose of about 4 hours, and the average duration of effect after a dose is about 24-36 hours, if taken regularly, these figures are totally unpredictable between individuals.

    However, usually the time it takes for the effect of the drug after dose reduction or discontinuation fade slowly in general, about 1-3 weeks. In theory, this means that the physiological withdrawal caused by sudden changes in the dose is very unlikely, compared with a drug that will eliminate it, such as 3-4 days.

    However, the metabolism is not only the individual can vary, but one can assume that you have at least 30% of withdrawal symptoms to psychological factors rather than physiological causes. This possibility must always be taken into account.

    In short, you need to administer the plan with a doctor. To say that the dOctors ignorant is never a good excuse. If you believe that your doctor is not sufficient knowledge or may not agree with your doctor's responsibility, the opportunity to request a referral to a specialist or seek a second opinion. In theory, if a physician is not trained to treat a disease, is responsible if it does not concern you - but in reality, no one will be shipped on consignment or to decide in your favor if you can not take their personal responsibility.
