Monday, February 1, 2010

Hypethyroidism Hypethyroidism Question?

Hypethyroidism question? - hypethyroidism

I am 24 years old and diagnosed with thyroid disease has recently been launched in the course of 4-6 weeks with a drug called Tapazole. I started like 3 weeks ago. How long does it take for symptoms to take to fix it? Insomnia and frequent sweating. So when I see in a month, my MD recommended Radioactive suitable and have him on the planning for the removal as it says that there is a higher rate relaspe among men for this disease by taking medication Tapazole. Should I opt for this and for how long my symptoms are gone? I am sad, tired all the time.

1 comment:

  1. Is Graves' disease? Hyperthyroidism is only a symptom, not a diagnosis. You need to know what your doctor has given you. If you Graves Disease ', not a cure. Graves' disease may in spontaneous remission occurs naturally in some people or not, but no cure. You may need to take medication for the rest of his life.

    If you or radiotherapy. In any case, you have to take the medication for the rest of your life.

    Now that I've done everything, I'll stop crying. You need to decide what you want to take drugs. Take medication for hyperthyroidism, which comes with Graves' disease treated (tapizole)? Or would they still Grave's disease. (No cure for diseases, Graves') and should be treated for hypothyroidism by radiation?
